Don’t panic, don’t panic, don’t panic
56 days until my deadline on this quilt (right before Christmas). 48 blocks to make this up quilt. Even if I did one block a day, that won’t account for holidays where sewing isn’t possible, nor will it account for the time it will take me to quilt the beast on my tiny machine and then hand-stitch the binding up… it also doesn’t take into account that it’s supposed to be a Christmas gift and, therefore, a surprise even though he knows he’s getting a quilt (he asked for it, after all) so sewing too much of it around Declan isn’t going to be ideal. Do the math and factor in all the knitting I planned to do for gifts and the time that takes…
I mean, it’s do-able with a bunch of ifs – IF all my other projects go according to plan and I don’t have to rip anything out, IF I take my knitting with me everywhere I go so I can dedicate time at home to sewing, IF I can manage 3-4 blocks on weekends and maybe 1 a day during the week? Quilt tops are easy, it’s the quilting part I tend to put off, so if I make the top a priority it should leave me a good chunk of time to get the quilting done without the project turning into an Christmas Eve finish-fest in time for it to be under the tree.