• this little life of mine

    I’ve got (knitting) plans

    Years ago, when my knit group girlfriends and I discovered we all had Presidents Day off of work, we conspired to spend the day getting brunch and then yarn shopping. I’m not quite sure when, exactly, this happened, but I know it was many years ago as we’ve been going on our weekends away for about 7 or 8 years now and this has been happening longer than that. Time, really, is just a blur at this point. It’s just tradition. Sometimes we switch it up with MLK Day, but most years there’s this wonderful February Monday where we fill up on delicious food and then go touch all the…

  • this little life of mine


    Winter has finally arrived here in Ohio. Well, I mean, it kind of arrived last weekend… but today? We’re supposed to get up to 8 inches of snow. I can’t remember the last time we’ve had this level of snow here in my part of Ohio. I’m not complaining one bit, though. Declan’s gymnastics was canceled today so that meant sleeping in and a lazy Saturday morning, which is the best kind of Saturday morning. I’d be lying if I said I was having a quiet afternoon here. I came upstairs to my craft room to start prepping the fabric I washed yesterday, and Declan followed me and has been…

  • this little life of mine

    I feel like myself again.

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Candice (@candiceknits) on Jan 12, 2019 at 10:02am PST College classes started back up on the 7th. After months and MONTHS of spending every weekend – nearly all weekend, mind you – glued to my computer in my craft room trying to find some peace and quiet to study… I had a normal weekend. Yes, there was homework. But was it the overwhelming, unbearable variety that meant me spending 20 hours out of my weekend studying? Not even close. In fact, I had SO much “extra” time that I was able to knit! And sew! And clean! And cook! And, more…

  • this little life of mine

    The January Slow Down

    There’s something special about January. Not because of the new year full of possibilities, but because of the slow pace our lives take after the whirlwind of holidays and all that they entail. I don’t know about you, but I love this transition. I am perfectly content to hide away at home with some winter comfort food, some books or knitting, and just… breathe. December was an insanely stressful month for me. The end of the semester on my classes left me exhausted, burnt out, and depressed. There was an outright meltdown the weekend before finals where I just broke down and lost it – it was all too much.…

  • this little life of mine

    Recoleta Cardigan

    This cardigan and I have had a year-long adventure together, quite literally. I started it last year on my annual knitting weekend, not realizing how much brain power it would take me to knit from two different charts (one for the collar, one for the back). We would go in fits in starts, this cardigan and I. I’d knit a few rows here and there, then it would be abandoned for weeks on end because I just couldn’t find the energy to focus on it. It only got worse once I started back to college, and the project sat for months waiting for me to come back to it. Once…

  • this little life of mine

    Annual knitting weekend

    My favorite time of year came and went – my annual knitting weekend away with my bestest knitting friends. This time, rather than our usual Hocking Hills, we headed north near Perrysburg. There, we enjoyed this AH-MAZING view of the river from the deck/sunroom, talked, laughed, watched movies, ate food, and, of course, KNIT. So much knitting.  The trees were perfect, the weather was cold but not overly so, and the whole weekend is exactly what my soul needed. Because we were in the area, we made a trip to Yarn Cravin’ for yarn shopping, and then headed – by recommendation of the lovely girls at the yarn shop – to…

  • this little life of mine

    Trick or Treat

    Saturday we went to a friend’s house out of town to go trick-or-treating and, if you can’t tell, Peter Rabbit had a blast. Being an only child at home, he LOVES being around bigger kids and feeling like he’s older than he really is. I had a few moments of panic because he was trying too hard to keep up with the bigger boys which, also, meant a few attempts at running across the street without looking. Not to mention that with so many people out and about I was worried he’d get too far separated. I tried hard to not be that helicopter mom that I hate, but this…

  • this little life of mine

    Adventures from the Mushroom Kingdom

    Yesterday we ventured to Mohican State Park with some friends for a hiking adventure and discovered it was apparently peak mushroom season because the whole place was covered in fungi! I don’t think I have ever seen so many of them growing! Declan, upon seeing a clearing full of them, declared “IT’S A WHOLE MUSHROOM KINGDOM!” which made me giggle imagining little fairies and sprites and whatnot living under all those mushroom houses. I’m sure the area is well-traveled for those who actually hunt down mushrooms for eating – I don’t know enough about them to even attempt to look (and Declan would probably turn his nose up at them,…

  • this little life of mine

    The beginnings of a Fen Dress

    If you follow me on Instagram, you might have already seen the above photo. It’s a Fen Dress muslin to try out the sizing. Because, see, I have this daydream where I basically live in handmade clothes. I wander my imaginary farm in perfectly sewn frocks while collecting chicken eggs and tree ripened apples, and then sit on the porch wrapped in a wool sweater and knit while I wait for a pie (from scratch, of course) to finish baking. Or maybe sitting in front of a wood burning stove while also sipping on a cup of tea while spinning yarn up from the fleece of my pet sheep named…

  • this little life of mine

    Let’s blog again.

    I have been absolutely TERRIBLE about writing here. Truth be told, I miss it – I miss having stories to tell and photos to share that aren’t just brief social media snippets of my life. For several years I’ve kept two separate blogs, one here with my name on it, another with a fake name. It always felt weird to me to have people I know in real life read my blog and then later mention something I posted, and I fought that aspect for a long time. But life is busy, and I realized it really isn’t all that different from me posting useless stuff on Facebook for everyone…