Annual knitting weekend
My favorite time of year came and went – my annual knitting weekend away with my bestest knitting friends. This time, rather than our usual Hocking Hills, we headed north near Perrysburg. There, we enjoyed this AH-MAZING view of the river from the deck/sunroom, talked, laughed, watched movies, ate food, and, of course, KNIT. So much knitting. The trees were perfect, the weather was cold but not overly so, and the whole weekend is exactly what my soul needed.
Because we were in the area, we made a trip to Yarn Cravin’ for yarn shopping, and then headed – by recommendation of the lovely girls at the yarn shop – to Swig for booze and afternoon snacks. And then we tried to stop by Fort Meigs, only to discover that we were a few days late as the outdoor area closes at the end of October. Boo. That didn’t stop us from at least walking around and trying to peek in, however.
I didn’t manage to actually finish a single project, but I did make a ton of progress on my Recoleta cardigan and just have a single sleeve to finish. There’s a light at the end of that nightmare of a tunnel! That’s not to say the pattern is terrible – it is wonderfully written – it’s just that I’m not entirely sure what I was thinking when I decided to cast on something that requires me to keep track of where I am in two different lace charts when I’m constantly interrupted by a 4 year old! The sweater is turning out lovely, if a bit small on me since, you know, a year later I’m not the same size as last year. But for the foreseeable future, I’m making plans to knit some more… basic garments. Cardigans and whatnot that don’t require a lot of pattern reading, mostly. I have yarn and pattern lined up for a Foldlines, and yarn for a Rosemont and I’m thinking about maybe a Quick Sand? We’ll see once I get this Recoleta done and blocked and make a few gauge swatches to figure out my options.