Yellowbird Food Shed – Week 1

I decided to sign us up for the Yellowbird Foodshed box this summer on a kind of last-minute whim. I had heard a few months ago about their boxes but then promptly forgot about it again until early this month when I was in the local juice shop and someone came in to ask about the boxes and verify their pickup date. As soon as I got back to my desk at work I was on the website and signing up so I could get in on the first box.
Last week, that first box arrived, which was quite an exciting way for me to break up my day at work. I opted for the base/medium box, which was $30 – I opted for this version because I knew there was probably no way we’d eat all the produce from the large box.
Each week I receive an email with the intended contents of each box so I can know what i have coming and plan ahead. Here is what my box list looked like:
Box list here
I also chose to add on strawberries and blue potatoes to my box, which meant my cost that week was slightly more.
Over the course of this last week i put my produce to use as follows:
Spring salad mix was made into salads (duh) – For the first salad I fried up some bacon, chopped up one of the apples, threw on some dairy-free cheese, and drizzled the whole thing with a vinaigrette I made with some Olivina oil and vinegar in my pantry. The 2nd one was similar, only I used watermelon and mint from the box with some feta.

Kale was used in a marinated kale salad (dressing was goat cheese, honey, and apple balsamic vinegar from Olivina) and topped it with dried cranberries and pecans. I also took thin slices of the evercrisp apples and made a grown up grilled cheese by sandwiching the apple between slices of muenster cheese.
Oh and asparagus i sliced up and cooked up with scrambled eggs to get some veggies in with my breakfasts.
I haven’t used the watercress yet and i’m afraid now it’ll be bad but i didn’t plan very well for my box this first week. Same with the swiss chard, which looked an awful lot like bok choy. I put my potatoes to use by roasting them in the oven with a little olive oil and they were delicious! And blue/purple on the inside, too!

This week my goal is to better use the contents of my box so nothing goes to waste, so stay tuned for next week’s Yellowbird Food Shed update to see what I actually end up doing with it all!