Mama got her craft room back.
Currently knitting
I cast on tonight for a Solaris cardigan. I haven’t finished any knitting in ages, and I really should try to finish a thing or two, but I’m feeling the need for someone new. Something fairly mindless that I can pick up and knit at random without having to consult too many notes. Something without charts to keep track of. Something easy.
Fresh berries from our yard
Peter Rabbit’s sweater
Broken Rib Dishcloth
This isn’t really anything innovative or special, and I’m sure someone else in the massive knitting world has done the same pattern. But this is a great way for a beginner to learn the basic knit and purl stitches and come out with a dishcloth in the end (it’s what I use to teach new knitters). Please, for the love of yarn, don’t start off with a scarf as your first knitting project. You’ll get tired of it before you’re done and throw it in a bag in the back of your closet to find 5 years later. Small projects are your friend when you’re just learning! Start: Cast…
Winter Snowflake Clips (easy peasy)
I’m in love with the clothespins to hold photos that I print from Instagram – I have a whole line of them hanging up at my desk at work: A photo posted by @pardonthegarden on Oct 10, 2014 at 7:45am PDT I wanted some for the holiday season for the fridge at home, and these are stupid easy. The glitter tape means there’s no mess of trying to paint the clothespins with glue and then dusting with glitter (which IS the herpes of the craft world, in case you’re not aware. That ish gets everywhere and it’s a nightmare). Supplies: Clothespins – I used both large and small Glitter tape…
This shawl was knit in Classic Merino Lace from Knitting Notions (its dreamy soft!) on size 4 needles. I had purchased 2 skeins, which equaled about 770 yards, and I only used about one and a half. You can certainly use thicker yarn with a corresponding bigger needle. If you want to make this more shawl-like, you can do a bit of math to figure out the final total of stitches you’ll need before beginning the edging (which is over 21 plus 8 stitches). Hocking (A pseudo pattern) Begin by casting on 7 stitches. Knit one row, placing markers as follows: K2, place marker, k1, place marker, k1, place marker, k1, place marker, k2.…
Fair Isle Flower Sock
The sock is easy enough – I knit it top-down, but it could be knit toe-up just as well. Whatever method you prefer! The chart is over 16 stitches, so you could easily do it over 64 or 72 80 stitches (it was pointed out my math was wrong and to do 72 stitches you would have half a flower – my apologies on this!). Just make sure you knit loose enough that you can get the sock on your foot! I have small ankles so I did 64 and it seemed fine as long as I knit it loosely. On with the pattern… Yarn used: Kraemer Yarns Saucon Sock in Lime, and…