Easy as Pie(ish)
Pattern: Easy as Pie, though knit without the edging
Yarn: Handspun from some Fat Cat Knits fiber
I realized, today, that I’m in a funk, so the goal of this weekend is some solid self care. Sunshine, making sure I eat (if you know me, you know that I constantly eat… that should have been my first tip that something was off), and spending some time doing the things I (usually) love. With the holidays coming up, and money being tight at the moment, I’m throwing myself into some gift knitting/sewing with the bazillion craft supplies I own. Probably more adventurous than I actually have the time and energy for, especially when you throw work in the mix. I went back and forth on the decision to make gifts – people either love or hate handmade gifts. I like to think that I don’t make crappy gifts, but there are always people who won’t appreciate it no matter how nice it is. It’s supposed to be the thought that counts, right? So handmade it is – I’ve been canning up jams and jellies, working on knitting some hats, and sewing a few things here and there. Trying to get a collection of things made up for everyone on my list.
Declan has requested a “soft blanket” for his bed, a.k.a. a quilt. That’s going to be the biggest challenge to make out of everything. They’re just so time consuming and a challenge to get the whole thing fed through my machine and quilted. We’ll see if that actually pans out in time to wrap up for Christmas.